Friday, September 28, 2007

Sky-high with Fun

Apple picking is a traditional family outing/adventure for us every year in late September. However, due to the April frost we had this spring, the crop here this year is non-existent. At least the apples are non-existent, that is.

Turns out you can have just as much fun 'picking apples' even when there are NO apples to pick!
We walked around the orchard for almost an hour and retrieved TWO apples from the tip top of a couple of trees. Please take notice of cheerful children although thier little baskets are totally empty.
We had a blast, the weather was gorgeous on the mountain top, and we came home with just enough apples (which we retrieved from a trailor set up for pickers that was full of Gala, Fuji, Rome, and others--we assumed what may have been harvested from the far end of the orchard)
to make our favorite dessert--Apple Brown Betty. Scrumptious!
Of course, playing in the playhouse was enormously entertaining, as was drinking apple cider from the apple-shaped sippers that cost $2.50 PER SIPPER.
But all in good fun.


Melanie D. said...

Awww. We missed the apple festival here and I've still been wanting to go. They are B's favorite fruit. We may just have to make the trip!

mitzh said...

Apples or no apples as long as the children have fun, that what really matter.

In my opinion, family outings are the best.

S said...

Aww, sweet pictures, too.

I'm glad everyone had a good time.

NotSoSage said...

Looks like a lovely family event. We're going next weekend, and I can't wait.

niobe said...

I'm glad you all had a good time and Apple Brown Betty sounds delicious.

But it's kind of scary to me to think that there were *no* apples. I'm probably just paranoid, but that's the sort of thing that makes me worry that we're changing the climate in ways that we can't predict or understand. I hope I'm completely wrong about that.

painted maypole said...

love apple cider! I am now craving some.

isn't it great how even when our plans go awry our kids often have just as much fun? if only we could relax and just go with the flow like they do. (well, SOMETIMES do)

Aliki2006 said...

I th ink it's the experience of being out there, among the apple trees that's more exciting, probably. I remember feeling this myself, in fact.

I love those apple sippers!

thailandchani said...

I'm with everyone else. It's the idea of being out there together.

Glad you all had a good time. :)



Amy Y said...

I love apple picking!! Looks like a great time was had by all...

blooming desertpea said...

Sounds like fun to me, too, with or without apples, as long as there is apple cider or apple pie, anyway - lol