Wednesday, August 29, 2007


How can something this cute (I know, I am biased) WHINE so very, very much?

It is incessant. It is relentless. It is SO very distracting.

Does it end? Will it ever get better?

My sweet , and usually very pleasant daughter Journey has been 'napped by aliens and in her place they have left me a mere physical replica of her former self. This new little person WHINES constantly. Really, it compares to fingernails down a chalkboard, really.

I have been told it is a phase, it is a girl thing (which I can actually believe b/c my boys did not act this way EVER), she will outgrow it, to ignore it (yeah, THAT works).

I fear I cannot handle one more day of this noise. This squeaking! Anywhere and everywhere!

Please tell me that this too shall pass...

It will won't it?


S said...

Well, Jack's a whiner, even though last time I checked he was male.

And yes, it's the most irritating sound EVAH.

I totally understand. I don't know how to stop it, though.

Chaotic Joy said...

It will pass. Unfortunately it might be a while. Allie's whining phase went on for about 5 years. We use the "I can't hear you when you talk like that" or the "Please go to your room until you can be pleasant" methods here.

mitzh said...

My daughter's a whiner and I also do pray that this too shall pass..


blooming desertpea said...

Yes, it will pass ...

In the meantime, just take out her batteries and store her in a closet! Just kidding, dear, I truly feel with you.

niobe said...

They're adorable when they're asleep, aren't they?

painted maypole said...

this too shall pass

and until then, earplugs

Aliki2006 said...

Luckily both my kids aren't regular whiners--which is probably good because I just know I'd explode.

Christine said...

whining so SUCKS. my daughter is a whiner and it drives over the edge. but my mom says i was a HUGE whiner as i was growing up. i think i grew out of it. i think. ;-p

Amy Y said...

I think it will pass! But I have only two boys and they are 4 & 6 and STILL whine all the time... Hang in there and get a good set of earplugs! :)

Kyla said...

No, I'm sorry. I have a five year old boy and he's a whiner through and through. I know that it is not a phase (if it is, it sure is a loooong one) and it is not limited to girls.

But gosh, aren't they cute when they are sleeping (and therefore quiet)?

ewe are here said...

I believe little boys whine, too...

Best suggestion I've heard to combat it is to say very calmly to the whiner that you're sorry but that you cannot understand her when she whines, so please use a normal voice. Repeat ad infinitum and ignore whined requests until she gets the message. And don't ever cave on whatever the whining is about until it's no longer being whined about.