Max decided that he needed, yes needed, to take his tooth to school the next day to show his friends that he lost it. "They won't believe me otherwise, mom". Huh?was my reaction..but it just wasn't worth going there. So, he came up with a plan. And, carefully executed it was indeed.
He decided that if he placed the tooth in this bag then it would not become lost in his bed while he slept and he could communicate with the toothfairy--at once. So, here it is. The Note.
And, here is Max...quite toothless. Well for now anyway.
You must keep that bag for posterity. Or, at the very least, dragging out at big occasions, like his wedding. ;)
I've tagged you for a meme. Come on over and see what you have to do (insert menacing voice here) OR ELSE!
Did he still get the money? Cause that is so not the deal. ;)
hi bubandpie! thanks for dropping by. I enjoy your blog, by the way. Yep. The ol' fairy dropped by that evening and sure enough left him a couple of bucks in quarters--extra because of how cute it all was, of course.
bub and pie is actually the one who taught be how to do the links, by oh so graciously putting it in the comments to my very first post. I had to play with it a while to make it work (publish your post, if the link doesn't work, go back and edit it until it does) This is exactly what she told me:
Adding links:
a) put (b) between these: <>
b) in between put this:
a href="url"
c) then put the words that you want to light up all linky-like
d) put (e) between these: <>
e) in between put this: /a
What a clever child you have. (very good looking too)
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